Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Romans 10:9 (NIV) If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 
Life was tough growing up in a family of eight children and as I was brought up in Taoism (worshipping of many gods), I lived in fear of gods that will punish if I do not follow certain rituals required! Life was a pain and there was not much to look forward to!
When I started my first year in high school, a kind classmate of mine gave me a pocket size Gideon Bible. I read it with great enthusiasm and was very attracted to the flawless character of Jesus Christ! Through attending chapel services in school and doing a basic bible correspondence course, I came to understand that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came into this world to die for all my wrong doings!
One day as I dutifully placed joss-sticks in the main altar of the gods, without uttering a single word, I said this in my heart, “I know my parents bought you (gods) from the shop down the street and if you can answer the questions that I have in my heart, then you will be my God!” No answers came from the gods that I prayed to daily. Answers to all the deep questions that I had in my heart were answered from the Bible. It was in that period of searching for the real God that I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour & Lord!
God gives us as a family the privilege to serve Him in Australia. God has changed my life a lot since I became His child and He is still working in my life now as He is the Potter and I am the clay! (Isaiah 29:16) Life is worthwhile living for as we live it for Jesus Christ! No matter how difficult the circumstances might be, God is always with us and assuring us that a life lived with faith and trust in Him is all that He requires of us!
I give praise to God (who is holy) has graciously saved me (who are sinful) and had paid for the penalty of my sins when Jesus Christ died on the cross! Jesus Christ has the power to save all who comes to Him. So do not hesitate or procrastinate!
I wish to take this opportunity to thank Gideons International for their dedication and faithful ministry in the distribution of Bibles for which was instrumental in my acceptance of Jesus Christ in my teenage years.

Under His Mighty Wings,
Stephenie Chun
(married to Richard Chin & serving as missionaries in Australia since 2004 and has a son, Nathanael Chin studying his final year in Sydney Mission & Bible College)

Dated: April 2015